Assalamualaikum to those who read my blog, thanks for visiting my blog and spent a little bit time to read my blog. You can just write down any comment or anything insyallah i will reply your comment. So gonna start to write something in my mind now,
I'd rather have a deep conversation with you. The ones where you can just sit down with one of your close friends and completely spill out your thoughts/feelings. Like how you're doing, what may be currently bothering you, what's stressing you out. And the best part, getting feedback or advice from that person you're talking to that might actually understand what you're going through. It makes me feel less alone, and happier that i dont have to keep bottling up all of my emotions. Well i like it when people keep in touch with me. It doesn't necessarily mean they have to talk to me everyday, i dont expect that anyway. I got a life to live and so do they, but its really nice to hear from them every once in a while and catch up on somethings. Whether they simply send a quick text, call , facebook me, mention me. I'm okay with that. It shows they make the effort to keep in touch and that they care. These are the kind of people i'd love to stick around for a long time.

Lots of love , nadia x

